Saturday, March 5, 2011

Lpas Rindu!

Sonok kan dpt balik uma nie..especially blik kl..ak rindu giler weyh..lme kot xblik..hehehe blik dri jengka kul 5.30pm n smpai umah kul 9.30pm hari khamis... yg klaka mse nk blik uma.. xde duit lngsung nk bli tmbang tket lrt..haha nsib baik la ade shahirayoon..tq bai..saranghae!kalo xde dye haha xtaw la nsib ak cammne da mlm kowt..mne la ada mse nk g bank cucuk duit nie aisyyh!..hehe

yg bestnye ble mama n papa ak brebut nk ambek ak..huhu terharu siot!!smpaije kt lrt sg besi tu.. dr jaoh da dgr suara adik-adik ak pggil ak kakak kakak!!adik ak yg siti murni yg serba pink tu trus peluk ak..dye ckp lamanya kakak xblik uma!..ak just jwb dgn senyuman..nie kakak da blik!..huhu smpai je uma mama ngn sara xde kt uma..ak mcm aik??mne downg?la upenya dwang pun tgh ambek ak kt lrt juga...hehehe

sok sri jumaat apelagi byk la ak nk lps rindunya my best frend ,my fish,mcm2 r...huhu n g the mines lpk ngn member ak..sbenarnya ak da lame kempunan nk mkn aiskrim baskin robin..hehehe tp xpe mcflurry pun mcflurry la..sdap jgak kan..huhu

hurm sok da ari ahd n ak ase mls la nk blik jengka...SERIUS!! hurm..=,='' orait as usual just think positif ok! ak pg jengka pun da satu pengorbanan y bsr wt fmily FOLLOW THE RULES!!

BigBang Secret Garden Parody!

hI vIP biG baNG iS back...i wantd to share the hilarious video from bigbang! i hope that you're really really enjoyed and have fun..^__^


Don’t feel stupid for missing him, even if he treated you like shit. You still had happy memories and you’re always going to miss them. Just get through each day and eventually it will get better, I promise. Eventually someone will come into your life and whether or not you realize it, they are going to be something special to you. Someone better will come along.

You aRE iNspIriNg Me..!

Nothing is permenant.Especially people right??.Don't have your hopes high,friends become stranger..hurm tu la y ak alami skrng..but wait!!think positive n stop forward ok..!but sometime i think about my self isn't im too generous people??or overload kindness..yeah.. buat baik biarlah berpada kan??hurm this is now im trying to do..not simply trust other people..another one is waiting is hurt,forgetting someone also hurt right?But knowing which decision to take is the WORST OF SUFFERING!!
So be afraid of the truth...hurm i don't know yeah but..sometimes also i realize is hide of the truth is i'm just prefer to CHOOSE to keep the truth...SORRY..BUT the truth is always better than a disguised lie..i do know rase beratkan bila kte terlalu simpan rahsia nie...fuh berat tahp gunung!!y xmmpu ak nk tgung da nie..

lastly I decided to forgive and forget orng yg da buat salah ngn ak..IM JUST L.E.T IT BE??!...buka buku baru ea..forgive myself for being AWFULLY STUPIDOS!!ak xfhm dgn skap ak dua tga ari nie..and also FORGET THAT YOU ARE EXISTED!!!