Monday, December 5, 2011

Check 1,2,3..what I Found Here!

OMG! ada ke rule mcm ni??!ni baru pool rules belum lagi school yang xtahan tu statement dye "always shower before entering the pool" WTH!! duh...this is public pool.mmg la pool ni under nama or harta warisan ko!

Haha ada byk lagi rules dalam pic ni n pandai2 lerrr korang menilai sendiri..renung2kan dan selamat....

He Sang To Me Awkwardly! Finally...

Yello,hello, jello everybodieh =D have a great monday :) oh yeah! actually I really hate monday since kindergarden =D

Orait back to the story on title "He Sang To Me Awkwardly Finally..I made a Smile widely ^__^ do u agree the statement on da pic? hope u so~~ :) (agreed) forget the pitch,vocal,bullshit technical of singing or what eva!am I right guys??

Some songs you listen to are linked to memories so everytime you hear that song, you think of that memory ;) -so appreciate the moment-